Component: Commerce Block - Tickets & Passes

Historic Area

25% off! Limited Time!

A Single-day Ticket is your way to experience everything Colonial Williamsburg has to offer for one day. Get tickets online for 100% digital access to a selection of guided sites, historic trades, and gardens, as well as staged performances*. Plus, your admission includes access to the Art Museums, and free parking at the Visitor Center.

Adult (13+) Adult (13+) 35.00
Youth (6-12) Youth (6-12) 10.00
Save Online Adult (13+) Save Online Adult (13+) 31.50
Save Online Youth (6-12) Save Online Youth (6-12) 9.00

Multiday Ticket

Enjoy 3 consecutive days of visiting guided sites, historic trades, and gardens, as well as staged performances on the Charlton Stage and in the Hennage Auditorium and expanded Art Museums collections.


Enjoy a whole day of access to the Art Museums of Colonial Williamsburg.

Art Museum Indiv-Adult Individual Adult (13+) 60.00
Art Museum Indiv-Minor Individual Minor 25.00

Annual Pass

Enjoy unlimited admission to Colonial Williamsburg's Historic Area for a year from date of purchase. It’s a great time to get or renew your pass, and enjoy visiting throughout the year. There’s something new to enjoy every season, plus exclusive benefits.

Annual Pass Adult Adult (13+) 75.00
Annual Pass Youth Youth (6-12) 35.00
Annual Pass Child Child (0-5) 0.00
Cyber AP Adult Cyber Pass Adult (13+) 74.99
Cyber AP Adult 1/2 off Cyber Pass Adult 1/2 Off (13+) 37.50
Cyber AP Youth Cyber Pass Yth 25% off (6-12) 31.50

America's Historic Triangle

Start by tracing the story of early America from Jamestown, through Williamsburg, and then finish in Yorktown. This ticket grants you access to five historic sites—including all of Colonial Williamsburg’s historic sites, trade shops, and museums—for seven consecutive days from first date of use.

AHT Adult (16+) AHT Adult (16+) 119.00
AHT Youth (6-15) AHT Youth (6-15) 53.00
AHT Roadtrip Adult (16+) AHT Roadtrip Adult (16+) 107.10
AHT Roadtrip Youth (6-15) AHT Roadtrip Youth (6-15) 47.70

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